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How to check the current balance of a bitcoin address?

BitRef will help you check the current balance of any Bitcoin address. The new Bech32 address format is also supported. You need only to provide a valid Bitcoin address string. This is a safe service because it uses only public data; there is no need for login and password. Important for beginners!

What is the difference between outputs and wallet balances?

Outputs are "spent" when they are referenced in a new transaction. Outputs can only be unspent or spent, they can't be partially spent. Wallet balance (or address balance) is an abstraction to help us humans and make Bitcoin more like conventional payment systems. Balances are not used at the protocol level.

What can I do with my Bitcoin invoicing tool?

Our invoicing tool ensures you’re paid in the correct BTC amount according to the current Bitcoin price. Using our wallet watcher, you can track multiple wallets and addresses, and receive email notifications when transactions occur. Check Bitcoin addresses, lookup transactions. Monitor wallet balances using xpub with our block explorer.

What is a wallet & how does it work?

In other words the wallet is computing the total value of the outputs which it can spend which requires a) the output be unspent and b) the client has the private key necessary to spend it. Storing Transactions All confirmed transactions become part of the blockchain.

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